Saturday, September 20, 2008


Taking four days off to go to Toronto last weekend was not a good idea. I will spill all the interesting tidbits about that adventure on the other blog since it is Ukrainian related. Amazing how behind one can get, though I have been fairly productive this weekend.

Yesterday, I went to a Hungarian dinner at my friend's church (see, I did use the word "church" and not "cult"). The food was good, but very very different from Slavic cuisine. The best thing I believe was the cherry soup, and since I am hopeless at cooking, I will have to find someone else to make it for me. There was also some dancing. I only saw a bit of it, but the couple was pretty good (much better than those other dancers). The woman did a lot of spinning, and everyone in the crowd had basically the same question "are you dizzy?" when she finished. Apparently it just takes some getting used to, and then you are fine. I would have fallen over - seriously.

What is rather funny though, is that I bought a necklace there, supposedly from Hungary. Its pink, and I have only one pink shirt, but it was very pretty, and I couldn't resist. Anyway today, I was in the grocery store and this woman tried to buy it from me. She was serious too! Not sure if anyone else has had such an experience, I definitely haven't (probably b/c I live in my own little fashion world). She didn't seem very impressed by the fact that it was Hungarian though; no, she just thought it was "beautiful."


  1. Did she at least try to offer you more money than you paid for it?

  2. we didn't get to the negotiation of money part. But I did think about that later, that perhaps I should have asked her how much she was willing to pay...too late now. And besides I really like it, it goes with my only pink shirt.
