Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hot Chocolate Induced Insomnia

Seriously what the hell? I know that it was rich thick amazing chocolate, but I cannot actually believe that I am still awake. While this does give me an opportunity to pretend that I have a blog that I update, I do need to be productive tomorrow, which means I need to go to sleep now. Not likely to happen any time soon :(

Also not likely b/c my friend is on Skype and we decided to relive the funny terrifying moments spent in the convent in Ukraine this summer. As most people know, we didn't actually live in the convent, but in converted apartments in the courtyard. A key moment being when the mirror crashed to the floor around midnight scaring us to death: my roommate said "call 911" and I grabbed a vase for "protection." Not a good moment for either of us :)

But otherwise...what have I been up to since the SuperBowl? Well nothing. Went out for Valentine's Day, had fun dancing, became even more addicted to a certain band, applied for funding and stuff, wrote a few pages, read a few books, had an existential (or maybe theoretical) crisis, became involved in random department drama. And to add one thing more:

Started a secessionist movement - that is crucial and defining. Long live the Republic of West Florida!!

But sadly the people (person?) who reads this already knew all of that. Bleh.

1 comment:

  1. I was out like a light when I got home. So not sure you can blame the chocolate.

    We recruited Bo and Tim to the Republic. Tim will be our first Olympian.
