Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Today I...

wrote a paper. Sort of. I mean I did write the paper, but it is not very good. And it isn't actually done b/c I mean I literally wrote the paper, i.e. with a pen. So it isn't typed, so I have to type it. And add all the sections where I said "see star" or "see pg one" or "see quote" or "see other introduction." In other words, it is not assembled and the pieces are all over my room, might be a few outside too (on the porch).

Oh and I uh did not write (or even type, or really think about) the paper that is due TOMORROW. Funny how that was a self-imposed deadline. Hi, prof I NEED a deadline to function. Ok, how about March 31st? Great! And the email tomorrow will read, sorry but I really haven't had time to even look at your paper.


  1. I've done that with Claire about a million times.

    Me: I work best on a deadline.
    Claire: Okay, have XX done two weeks from today.

    [Two weeks passes.]

    Me: Can I get an extension?

    Repeat ad infinitum.

  2. I am at least reading stuff today - I mean skimming, I like keywords. That is how I've decided to half-ass organize this paper. You know power, agency, and Foucault. That is all I need!! ;)
