Sunday, April 25, 2010

Adventures on Metro Transit and Zombies

I actually think I need a blog solely devoted to the nonsense that happens to me on the buses in this city. First it was the bus that skipped half of its route. Then it was the driver w/a serious nicotine problem - he would speed super fast to make up time then stop at every 4th or so bus stop to have a few quick puffs. Oh and the driver who used his loud speaker to yell at a girl across 4 lanes of traffic, the same driver who backed up a block to pick up some person (this would be a good deed except it was on a major highway).

And today a driver clearly was paying zero attention to anything. Stopped at a light, I noticed from the back of the bus, that the road ahead was blocked. Common occurrence during the weekend in this part of town, the thing to do is take that right at the light we were stopped at. He kept going. And didn't realized until nearly upon the road blocks that he could not get through and began cursing loudly. Idiot. I just laughed at him for a bit, and then laughed even more as he attempted to turn the bus around (these things are huge btw) in a narrow street b/c a potential left turn he might have taken to get out of the mess was also blocked off due to construction.

Oh and by the way, all of this shit happens on the SAME ROUTE. Yes, the very same #. Maybe other routes have drama, but clearly the people they hire for this one are insane/morons/crackheads.

I also need to start a blog dedicated to the stupidity I see in the book store. Or maybe stupidity is too harsh. Things that annoy me in the campus book store. Now obviously these books are not the fault of the store, but rather the fault of America and publishing companies, and stupid people who create the market for these sort of books.

#1 on my list of annoyances recently is the book called
Obama's Zombies about how the Obama campaign brainwashed the iPod generation via Twitter, email, and Facebook. Written by a "new young conservative" this book has made its way onto the bestseller list. I almost bought it, just to see how truly terrible it was, but thankfully resisted that rather masochistic urge. #2 The zombie/monster rewrites. One was fine, two was ok, but now it is annoying. There is a zombie prequel to Austin's Pride and Prejudice. This fad in books will be milked by publishers until it is utterly beyond the point of ridiculousness. #3 Saw this book of poetry. Apparently whomever is in charge of writing the blurbs on the back thought it was super important to classify the book as "pre-Katrina" since it was about New Orleans. This belongs in the realm of a larger peeve of mine, which I will not go into right now.

On a happy note - the semester is almost over!! Hurray!! Hurray!! :)

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