Monday, October 11, 2010

Do Not Write These Stories

So while I should be doing a thousand other things, I got a little distracted clicking through various blogs I sometimes (i.e. everyday) read as a form of procrastination.

During said process, I came across this page: Horror Stories We Have Seen Too Often.  "This list is part of the submission guidelines for Strange Horizons, an online speculative fiction magazine." Basically a list of plots and subplots that this magazine feels is over done.  Some of these I also think I have seen too often, and I'm not even in the business of reading through hundreds of story submissions.
  1. Serial killer or vampire stalks and slays victim(s). --  Now I do like serial killer and vampire stories, but yeah market is the definition of oversaturated right now. 
  2. Alien creature lays eggs under the skin of a human (#12 on their list) -- Uh, yeah b/c it is gross and creepy.  I don't think personally I have read too many such stories, but I can see why it is on their list.
But ok, that isn't actually the point of the post; the point (if there is one at all) is about #3:

Protagonist sits around for a while.
  1. In the end, it turns out protagonist is dead.
  2. In the end, it turns out protagonist is a serial killer.
Seriously?  People have written so many "protagonist sits around for a while" stories that it is now on a list of "things not to do."?  How could anyone ever think that was a good idea for a storyline?

R.I.P news:  Reading The Haunting of Hill House. Wow is this ever one of those instances where Hollywood should have left the book alone.  Shirley Jackson's writing is amazing.  More on this book soon. 

Oh and I have read book #3, but I have to figure out how to review it.  I finished (weeks ago) The Castle of Otranto, but I'm not sure what I have to say that hasn't already been said-- seeing as how it was written in 1764.  It is also, supposedly, the first Gothic novel. 


Ok ok, so sorry this post is random, I just have to add something this list is much funnier. Especially:

35. Twee little fairies with wings fly around being twee. 

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