Saturday, September 1, 2012


This year since I'm technically doing research abroad you might think that I would skip the R.I.P. fun? But no.  Just last night my friends and I came up with an epic idea for Halloween costumes.  So clearly I've already been thinking about my favorite holiday. And then I remembered to check this morning to see if it was time for R.I.P and it is!! Oh the joy.

Here is the link to the explanation. There you will find some cool artwork, a group read challenge (including The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman), and lots of links to blogs that are participating.

This year I can't do the Peril on the Screen challenge (alas), because I don't have access in Ukraine to a lot of movies.  I will, however, do Peril the Second where I read two books that I feel fit with the R.I.P theme.

Acceptable genres include Mystery, Suspense, Dark Fantasy, Gothic, Horror ... but really anything that you think works.  The rules are very flexible, which is good because I'm a bit limited by what I can find for free on my Kindle this year.  

Some potential candidates, but suggestions are always welcome:

1. Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin
2. The Damned by Algernon Blackwood
3. Off Season by Jack Ketchum

The other one I'll do is Peril the Short Story.  I'm not actually a big short story fan.  But I recently found a few books of modern Lovecraftian fiction, so I'm going to work through those. Though who knows what else I might find.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for joining in Chay. I appreciate your dedication to embrace the season despite the research you are doing. And yes, you are definitely in the R.I.P. mood if you are already planning Halloween costumes. You must post about that when the time comes and shoot me a link.

    I hope your research goes well and that your R.I.P. reading does too.
