I'm moving pretty soon and since I've been at my current place for years & years, I have basically accumulated all sorts of stuff. Even better, a lot of this stuff I simply forgot that I owned. Therefore for the amusement of self and others (but mostly myself) I'm going to start a regular installment known as "Thing in the Cupboard" which will consist of photos of the weird/random things that I find as I'm cleaning, clearing, and tossing useless junk away. Maybe this will also make moving more fun since I'm seriously stressed about it, and perhaps will give me motivation to actually look through those cupboards and boxes.
Today's edition: Alas Poor Yorick!
Yep, its a bright pink skull |
This gem's origin is unknown, it did however once function as a light-- sadly this feature is no longer functional. It is made of some rubbery substance and is of a decent size.