Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Simultaneously Terrifying and Hilarious

I feel like that rarely happens. When you see or hear or read something that is really really scary, but at the same time utterly amusing. Today's example - Tom Cruise interview. And yes, I know we shouldn't be suprised by anything that comes out of that man's mouth, but this was too much.

As a Scientologist, at the scene of an accident, "you know you are the only one who can help." -Yep b/c non-Sc paramedics don't know anything.

"We are the authorities on getting people off drugs. We are the authorities on the mind."
- Just watch the video to know why this is really ironic.

"We unite cultures!"

"If you are a Scientologist you see things....... the way they are."

And I am not linking to the video, b/c I am a little paranoid and more than a little scared of those people.

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally reporting you to L. Ron. You obviously just need a good cleansing.
