Saturday, September 11, 2010

Review: Horns

One of the signs for me of a good book is if it compels me to sit still and read it in large chunks, maybe even all at once.  Now granted, I don't always have time to do this since grad school, and furthermore compulsive reading is not the only sign of greatness; otherwise, I would have to condemn Kraken to mediocrity since I have been slowly plodding through it since late July. 

The point, however, is to say that Horns was one of the most engaging reads I have recently come across.  It is a tale of transformation on multiple levels.  The premise is that Ignatius Perrish (Ig) wakes up one morning after a less than wise night out to find a pair of horns growing from his head.  However, he does not just change physically, but also mentally and emotionally as the story unfolds - although not always in a positive way. 

I did notfind Horns outright horrifying even though there are some cruel acts of violence.  The book was disturbing more on a psychological level.  Ultimately, I think the author Joe Hill has a rather pessimistic view of humanity.  The characters in this book express some pretty deviant desires and fantasies.  I didn't find that any of them had truly redeeming qualities.  No doubt if you have read the book you will adamently disagree right about now.

But wait, you say, isn't the novel also about love?! What about Merrin Ig's girlfriend?  Isn't their story a beautiful if tragic tale of love and redemption?  Well, personally I think it could have been.  Maybe Merrin was supposed to embody the good in humanity, but she was not quite developed enough as a character, and I simply was not convinced.

Furthermore, the climax at the end lost some of its power due to Hill's movement from writing dark humor to camp.  Franky, the last third of the book was a bit too much.  Some "lighter" moments, rather than lifting the somber mood a bit with laughter, just became quite ridiculous.

Despite these rather critical reflections, I actually did enjoy Horns.  The first half was definitely stronger, powerful enough that I kept reading to see what would happen to Ig despite my problems with the ultimate resolution.  4/5 Stars


As for the film challenge, I watched Daybreakers. I will write a review soon.  I have checked out too many books from the library as usual.  This habit is atrocious as I end up overwhelmed with choices.  I don't know what to read next.

I also read a few short stories from some anthology that is at present lost under my bed (?) and unfortunately I don't remember the name of it.  For a fact however, it should not be called a "horror" collection.  The first three selections are exceedingly boring and I probably won't finish the rest.  

Finally, I also might not read Berserk by Tim Lebbon for a semi-stupid reason.  I can't look at the cover - even during the day time.  I think the front of that book might be the most terrifying one I have ever seen. 


  1. This sounds interesting for future reference.

  2. Most of the reviews I have come across were much more positive. I realize upon rereading that my review was overly negative -- I actually did really like the book.
