Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Kishka Adventures: Day 3

I think we are sort of friends now. Except when he does something that I don't like, and I yell at him. Then he growls and hisses. Which is actually still all of the time. He is out of the "hiding under couch phase" and into the "lets explore everything" phase. Essentially this means that he tries to drink out of my glass, eat my food, climb on my computer, sleep on my clothes, turn over the garbage can, and sit on the book I am reading. So, I redirect him in a nice way like "hey kishka stop that!" and then he turns his head and makes a vicious demonic sort of noise.
Funny moment that I heard, but unfortunately missed... he had some sort of run in with my desk chair. I think he tried to jump on it, not realizing that it was going to move. I found him looking a bit shocked lying underneath the chair. Where is a camera when you need one!

And in the midst of such cat induced mayhem I almost forgot to mention that today was the very first day of the semester. I taught three classes. In each one I managed to forget something super important, but I think they will survive. My two morning classes are 99% Freshman. In fact, in one of them, I have all freshmen and then one lone senior. He looked a bit overwhelmed to hear that. I of course redirected all campus, UW questions to him. He laughed thinking I was joking, but actually... Anyway, my second section is also all freshmen. They all seem friendly and talkative though, which will be good. What else, oh I was mistaken for a student today. That was funny "are you in our class too?" "nope, I am your TA."

Wednesdays are such long days, as are Thursdays. I am on campus from like 9:30am to roughly 7:30pm. I know it is like having a real job. I shouldn't be complaining, but my response is to say I just think I will go to bed early tonight. By the way, I did read like 4 or 5 articles for my own research ( I know!!). And started reading this really interesting book on Ukraine. And by "interesting" I mean full of useful sources and very recent (2008?). So, I am actually rather proud of how productive I was. If only I could be like that every day....oh, wait I wouldn't still be in graduate school - I would be out, doing someting useful, like fieldwork. (cue manaical laughter in the background).

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed. Then again, all I managed to do yesterday was attend an hour of class and reread "Lady Oracle."
