Tuesday, October 6, 2009

In Anticipation of Halloween

"Anticipation" here being pronounced as if you were a cast member of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Last year I attempted to participate in the R.I.P Halloween book challenge. It didn't work out, I only read 3 out of the 4 books I had committed too. Not surprising, I never finish book challenges (as you well know by now I am sure).
But another year, a chance to redeem myself so on that note may I present:

Goal: Read 4 books in any category or subgenre of scary stories that you choose. Detailed description of challenge, and site for book reviews can be found here.

I checked out a bunch of books from the library b/c they had a special Halloween themed exhibit. Maybe I'll read those, or something else. As I know from experience, if I say I am going to read it, make a list, or otherwise announce some sort of set plan - then it is guaranteed not to happen.

In other Halloween related randomness, I really want to do a super scary horror movie marathon. Asked around on facebook, and I got some suggestions - The Ring, The Shining, Alien, Poltergeist, etc. I would add The Blair Witch Project (yes, I know some people think the movie is dumb), and The Excorcist. There are lots that I have already seen, but so many that I have missed, so feel free to provide me with suggestions. And besides, even if I don't do a marathon movie night, I am still curious to know what movie you think is the scariest of all time.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to read your reviews! I love all things scary!
