Thursday, January 7, 2010

Winter Break

In case you were curious, what have I been up to? Oh, nothing. I watch tv all day, especially Criminal Minds, which I have become addicted to. In May, when I was here last, it was NCIS, and before that it was Stargate. Clearly, I have a problem. But whatever, I don't have tv back up north, I get distracted enough by Netflix.

I managed to read one book. I didn't like it, and I haven't been doing anything productive (like reading or preparing for prelims), but one book is better than nothing I guess. Anyway it was The Nun by Diderot. My brother threw it at me (literally) when I asked for "light" reading. It isn't really, at least not in my opinion. The book is about some girl whose parents hate her and send her to some convent where she is miserable and tries to leave and is tortured by all these Mother Superiors. (yes, that was a runon sentence). Whatever was sort of my attitude upon finishing it. Oh, and I just recalled that I read another book whilst stranded in the airport for 15 hours on Christmas Eve, but I cannot find it right now and I don't remember the title. It was good (better than The Nun), except for the ending, which sort of ruined my entire experience with it. Yes, I know annoying that I am talking about a nameless book so that you have absolutely no reference point for my comments. Sorry.

My sister just said the best thing ever, "It is like there is nothing to do except go to sleep!" I actually totally agree except that Criminal Minds comes on for 2 hours pretty soon. It is the only thing that keeps me going (totally just kidding I promise).

Hm...what else? Well, I went to see Sherlock Holmes, it is now officially on my very short list of favorite movies. I enjoyed every second of it; Robert and Jude were perfect, their ridiculous bickering and sarcastic comments were endlessly entertaining to me :) For at least this once, I wouldn't mind a sequel (and I really really hate useless inferior sequels to amazing movies - i.e Pirates of the Caribbean). Tomorrow, ooohh, tomorrow Daybreakers comes out. It is another vampire movie to add to the, at this point, annoying vampire craze, but at least it isn't a pre-teen romance movie about bloodsuckers. Luckily I have my sister and mother to go see it with me. I think I have used all of my horror movie passes up with my friends in the tundra. After forcing various people to see 30 Days of Night, A Haunting in Connecticut, and Fourth Kind they might refuse to go see any movie with me ever again. Which means that I will not get to see Paranormal State (which is still playing in random theaters), Antichrist, or Legion. So sad.

And folks, I think that is about all that has been happening here. Went shopping, met up with some friends, celebrated a few holidays...yep, that is everything. Hope everyone else's breaks were restful and/or entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. I watched Criminal Minds for about five hours last night! Way too addicting. When do you get back to Madison?
