Sunday, September 4, 2011

R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril VI

Yep, its that time again

I have recently been complaining about the demise of summer, about how August (and July and June) went by too fast, and how Halloween candy is out too early.  I think, however, I will stop whining now since it is time for the annual RIP challenge hosted by Carl at

In past years (I think is my 3rd?), I have gone for Peril the First, which involves reading four books in the mystery/horror/thriller category.  Since I should be busy with arranging a year long trip abroad, I'm going to play it safe and go for the Peril the Second challenge which is reading two books in any of those categories.  (All is explained much more eloquently here).

In addition, there is Peril on the Screen and since I do enjoy a few scary movie marathons I will probably also post a brief review or two here for whatever I get around to watching.  Although, honestly, I'm not up-to-date on current horror films, so if anyone has suggestions for recent movies, I'm listening. 

There is also a new category for a group read if you are into that sort of thing. I tend to be very bad at them though the books they are reading do sound interesting.


So you might be wondering what I am going to read.  Well, since I am still slogging my way through my 2011 LT Challenge, I thought I'd just pick two books off of there that I'd planned on reading anyway.

1) Drood by Dan Simmons
2) World War Z

Those are the two that immediately jumped out at me as being good fits for this challenge, but as everyone knows who has ever read any post on this blog about reading, I am very bad at sticking to these lists I make.  Therefore, you can expect almost anything really.  I tend to get sidetracked in libraries, attracted to new shiny books, or even old worn books so long as they aren't the books that I've said I was going to be reading.

If you are even remotely interested in books, or in Halloween, or in watching movies, I definitely think you should give this challenge a try.  I've always found it to be immense fun!


  1. ohhh but Drood is the PERFECT book for this time of year! and.. it's an excellent read!!!

  2. I think I might try to read Drood for October.

  3. I can't empathize with your feelings on summer since I hate it with a passion too deep for words, but I do think it is waaay too early for Halloween candy! That's a bit much.

    Glad you are deciding to let your summer-ending blues go and join us in the R.I.P. Challenge. I've read great things about Drood and World War Z. Both are books I need to get to at some point. Hope you enjoy them and I look forward to your thoughts on them.

  4. Wow Drood seems like a good choice then since all of you recommend it, I should get started now!

    I began World War Z some months back and the first part was great. I just didn't have time to finish it, so I'm looking forward to that one for sure.

    I was also looking around yesterday for some movies for Peril on the Screen. I think I found a couple that will be good for RIP.

  5. My husband loved World War Z! Enjoy RIP.
