Sunday, August 30, 2009

Midget Car Racing

No, not midget racing. Though that is what the sign says as you drive into the park where the race track is. Anyway, this is not something that I am in the habit of doing, never been to car racing of any sort, but it was actually fun. I felt rather American though as they prayed before the event, they sang the national anthem, and it was sponsored by Miller. The winners of each "heat" received a case of Miller - and oddly enough a bottle of water.

Watching the cars going around the track would have been even better if:

a)it wasn't ridiculously cold. Supposedly the low tonight is 38 - it should so still be summer!!
b) dirt wouldn't have been flying at us. The dust was annoying and got into my contacts, nose, and clothes. Worse though were the large clods of dirt that flew into the stands. I might have a knot on my forehead from one rather large piece that hit me.

I should probably do something useful and explain exactly what midget cars are, but since I know nothing about cars period, I won't even bother. Basically they were just small, loud, and fast. No one was injured, a few cars broke down, and one kind of caught on fire, but no serious drama which was good. Oh, and there was a raffle, really bad music during the "intermission" and a "t-shirt toss" in which a few firemen threw shirts into the audience.

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