Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blade Runner

I watched this movie last night when I was supposed to be doing work for school - as usual. And yeah I managed to watch the movie (while reading The Reindeer People), and read Pandemonium. But no, I haven't finished reading for my "Imperial Russia" class. Which is what I should be doing RIGHT NOW. Priorities.

I just wanted to write quickly that I had never seen Blade Runner, but became a bit more interested in watching it after I learned all sorts of fun things about Phillip K. Dick (see previous post). Anyway, I gave it 4 out of 5 stars on Netflix. I liked it. I hear people complain b/c it is very different from the original story (which I haven't read, but cannot be worse than the adaptation of Queen of the Damned), and that it was slow. Neither of those issues bothered me, but what drove me bloody crazy was the voice-over narration. That sucked. Apparently the director's cut leaves this out, but then people say you miss a lot of what is going on. This is probably true, I might have been really confused without the narration, but it sucked. This is one movie actually that I would love to see remade. Actually, I want whoever directed The 5th Element to redo Blade Runner. They might not be able to get Gaultier for the costumes again, but there are lots of new edgy designers who would be perfect.

Ok, going to read A Woman's Kingdom: Noblewomen and the Control of Property.

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