Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Book the Second

Finished Pandemonium by Daryl Gregory. No, please don't ask me how I had time. Basically, the story is focused around the main character of Del who experienced a possession by a demon known as the Hellian when he was about 5. This isn't possession as you are used to hearing about it - no Catholic priests involved. In fact, this is a sort of alternate Earth where demons (or archetypes or spirits or whatever) take over people's bodies usually for short periods of time to cause random trouble, paint pictures, or murder people. Most of these incidences are linked back to a specific cohort of demons all named all with certain immediately recognizable "signatures" or characteristics. But the story isn't really what you think it is. There are all sorts of little gems embedded in the main story - for instance, I learned more about Phillip K. Dick than I ever cared to know.

Cons: The story pulls from a lot of obscure literary references, and if you don't read Science Fiction some of the jokes might be lost on you. I had to look up a couple of authors. There were several scenes that were gratuitious - mainly the completely random sex scene between two of the characters. And I do mean "completely random." A couple of others come to mind, enough for me to be annoyed. Finally, I would have liked to know more about the underlying mythology - I am left wondering what was really going on with these demons/archetypes.

Pros: An interesting mix of gossip (possibly via Wikipedia), conspiracy theories, Jungian psychology, and possession. It was totally readable with a well-paced plot and memorable characters. Despite problems, clearly I was interested. Finished the book in 2 days - it is a fairly quick read.

I am undecided between a 3 1/2 and a 4. I have a longer "con" list, but it was a good story overall.

Not sure what I am reading next.

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