Saturday, October 10, 2009

Book the First

One book out of four done! Hurray. I read Sandman Slim by Richard Kadrey. It was ok. Basically, this magician living in L.A. gets sent to Hell, but miraculously survives, then comes back to earth to get revenge on the people that sent him down under. The book jacket says it is "twisted, irreverent, and hilarious." I would agree with irreverent, but I did not find it hilarious. Don't get me wrong I love dark humor and sarcasm - Sandman Slim has both, but not on such a scale that would warrant "hilarious." However, it is a new take on some old mythology, has several original concepts (see one exception that annoyed me), the characters are well-developed, and if there is a sequel, which I have a feeling there will be, I would read it.
One exception: I don't think this counts as a minor spoiler, but it might. So beware. There is one character, an angel, who Stark (aka James, Jimmy, Sandman Slim) doesn't get along with. Every meeting between these two reminded me of the movie Constantine. Remember Gabriel? Tilda Swinton? Not a major problem with the book, just an association that I found annoying. Actually, the more I think about, there are other similarities between Constantine and Sandman Slim. Regardless, I guess I would give it 3 1/2 out of 5 stars. It wasn't bad.

Was going to read The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters. Why did I say "was?" Well, funny story that. So, I ordered the book from the library, and start thinking "this title reminds me of something." And this kept bothering me b/c that is a fairly unique title. I pick up the book today, and read the book cover. And I keep thinking "what does this remind me of?" I then sit down and force myself to really think about it - a couple of random images come to mind, but I still cannot figure out what is bothering me. I read the book jacket again, no idea. I read the first page - still confused. I start flipping through the book, and what do I discover? I already read the book!! When? Not a clue. Did I like it? I have no idea. But I find it very very strange that I finished the book, and had zero recollection of doing so even after getting it from the library and reading the cover - twice. Clearly I am getting old. My memory is failing me.

The second book I will read, and sat down to read half of it already today when I should have been doing something else (anything else really), is Pandemonium. More demons, but after all it is a Halloween book challenge. This one is very different though and so far I like it better.

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