Sunday, August 29, 2010

Cyanide and Michael Jackson

I was poisoned!! I swear this is a true story. I was talked into going to a 80s vs 90s dance party Michael Jackson Birthday Extravaganza.  Before that we met for some beers.  And my friend had this "beef jerky" but it was Chinese.  Well, he had eaten a lot and said it was good, so I thought I would be adventurous and try some.  It tasted like dog food - and I'm not even trying to make some sort of horribly wrong racist joke, it really tasted like dog food mixed with Sweet n Low or some sort of fake sugar.  After I had eaten a small piece, friends decide to look at the ingredients.  One of them was cyanide.  I do not jest.  

Apparently, I have not died yet.  Unless the 80s vs 90s dance party was some sort of contrapasso made especially for me, and I am in fact dead, and that was my hell.  Maybe, since I did end up singing Happy Birthday to Michael Jackson along w/about 100 other people.  And watched several poor souls attempt and FAIL miserably at the moonwalk.  Sad, so sad they were.  However, I have concluded my feet do not hurt enough for that to have been hell.  And I didn't get any beer or other liquid spilled on me. 

Although, isn't cyanide a slow killer?...

In other randomness, words I learned recently:

numismatics: the study of currency
eidolon: a living person's astral double

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